12:09:52 From Darlene Franklin : Thank you, MaryMarty 12:14:11 From Satya : Carl, thank you for sharing those beautiful pictures 12:14:17 From Darlene Franklin : <3 12:14:18 From Satya : Thank you MaryMarty 12:14:49 From Darlene Franklin : Replying to "<3" For sharing and your photos, Carl 12:18:05 From Satya : wow!! feel that~~ 12:18:24 From Darlene Franklin : Thank for you sharing, Lumin 12:42:29 From Satya : what’s the book? 12:43:41 From Darlene Franklin : Thank you for sharing, Lee, and for this space 13:05:32 From Becky Lubold (Rachel Carson EcoVillage) : Well said, Allan. I agree 13:26:27 From Lee Warren to AJ(direct message) : breakout rooms can be ready again for pairs (2 people) when Brenda is ready and she wants 10 minutes. 13:27:03 From Lee Warren to AJ(direct message) : let me know if you see this message so I know you're on it. 13:29:44 From AJ to Lee Warren(direct message) : yes Lee, all ready. i have also paired Damon Sean again with someone 13:31:34 From Lee Warren to AJ(direct message) : you can pair me with someone too. since i'm participating in the meditation. if it works with the numbers. 13:34:56 From AJ to Lee Warren(direct message) : alright. great since we have 1 person with no pair. i can't find a way to assign you, can you please join room 11 please later once the rooms are open 13:36:22 From Lee Warren to AJ(direct message) : perfect. 13:36:30 From AJ to Lee Warren(direct message) : Reacted to "perfect." with ❤️ 13:54:38 From Darlene Franklin : <3, Satya 13:58:29 From Lee Warren : https://youtu.be/8OfAHLilARQ 13:59:45 From Damon Sean to Lee Warren(direct message) : Drake 14:00:05 From Damon Sean to Lee Warren(direct message) : who was his great grandfather 14:01:22 From Satya : Reacted to "<3, Satya" with ❤️ 14:02:06 From Lee Warren : ●Write your own eulogy template/outline. ●Write your own obituary template/outline. 14:03:25 From Darlene Franklin : Replying to "●Write your own e..." 💗 14:03:33 From Brenda Freeman : https://youtube.com/@cominghomechannel?si=iBDjOfGUBL53ICTS 14:05:33 From Darlene Franklin : Reacted to "https://youtube.co..." with 💗 14:10:34 From Damon Sean : INterview of VInnys NDE and 10 principles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmviKRfJ8vI 14:12:03 From Damon Sean : Authenticity Earth is a classroom LOVE- loving everyone God’s gift of SPIRIT- intuition- develop it Technology is either lifting you up or breaking you down Whatever we focus on we become- be intentional- HOUR OF POWER Release all Prejudice We literally create for our thoughts- if we can control our thoughts - we can control our reality/outcomes Avoid negative influences- media- entertainment-people Judging OThers is judging myself 14:12:07 From Becky Laskody : For cultivating death positivity, I highly recommend this movie: ‘Departures’ - a 2008 Japanese drama film about a young man who becomes a traditional Japanese ritual mortician, or nōkanshi, after a failed career as a cellist 14:12:13 From Brenda Freeman : Https://inelda.org 14:12:35 From Damon Sean : Reacted to "For cultivating deat..." with ❤️ 14:13:26 From Lee Warren : omega homes (last 2 months of life). soul midwives. 14:13:54 From Brenda Freeman : International End of Life Doula Association 14:18:19 From Carla Johnson : I will be on a plane to Denver next week. I will be thinking of y’all as you celebrate.