12:13:21 From MaryMarty, She/They Portland OR : I'm ready to move on to archetypes. 12:13:47 From Jeanne Verger : I’m driving so I do not need to be placed in a group 12:27:43 From Sera Deva, Triple Creeks Consulting : Lovely chatting Mary and Barbara! 12:29:11 From MaryMarty, She/They Portland OR : yes! contact list 12:31:01 From Satya Reyes : I wanted to do an altar of sorts at the store I sometimes work and she felt it was cultural appropriation. That didn’t feel true to me but I wasn’t sure how to explain… thought on that? 12:32:23 From MaryMarty, She/They Portland OR : I claim my altar as part of my Catholic heritage of All Souls Day. 12:33:01 From Satya Reyes : Reacted to "I claim my altar as …" with ❤️ 12:35:35 From Sera Deva, Triple Creeks Consulting : Replying to "I wanted to do an al..." Cultural appropriation could apply if you’re claiming a culture or a tradition that isn’t yours. Altars are parts of cultures all over the world, and especially this time of year. What type of cultural archetypes//images are you bringing? How are you carrying the messages you’re putting on your altar? What images are you bringing and where do they come from? What are you bringing from your ancestors and how they celebrated this time of transition? That doesn’t answer your question, specifically, but these would be the questions I would ask the person who named this, as well as you who was setting up the altar. 12:40:37 From Satya Reyes : Kali all the way 12:41:32 From LUMiN (she/her) : Replying to "I wanted to do an al..." ❤️ 12:56:55 From Lee Warren : http://sophiacenterforlifestudies.org/the-art-of-natural-death-care 12:59:06 From Lee Warren : http://crossings.net/faq.html 13:02:49 From beckyh in VA : i have one of those totes. i fell and firemen used it to get me off the floor. they left it for me. 13:03:05 From Satya Reyes : Reacted to "Cultural appropriati…" with ❤️ 13:03:18 From Lee Warren : http://www.gravematters.us/faqs.html and http://www.greenburialcouncil.org 13:03:27 From Lee Warren : ●https://www.homefuneralalliance.org/ 13:10:39 From beckyh in VA : is there a link for Nikki Anna? 13:16:21 From Allan Sindelar : Recompose prepay is currently $7,000. 13:16:27 From Ana Luyao to Lee Warren(direct message) : hi Lee, becky is asking fro a link for Nikki Anna. i was trying to search for it but couldn't find it 13:22:06 From heather (she/her) : I am listed as an organ donor. I'm curious if it's possible to keep that status AND have a green burial in which my body isn't filled with chemicals. 13:22:12 From LUMiN (she/her) : Is there any legality around moving a body across statelines? 13:24:07 From Lee Warren : ●https://www.schoolofintegratedliving.org/home-funerals-home-burials-intro/ 13:24:32 From Ana Luyao : Reacted to "●https://www.schoolo..." with 👍 13:24:54 From beckyh in VA : viking burial pyres. only in 2 states 13:25:55 From heather (she/her) : Replying to "viking burial pyres...." Do you know which 2 states? 13:45:58 From Becky in NC : There are several rules and regulations to consider when transporting a deceased person across state lines, including: PermitsA burial-transit permit is required to transport a deceased person across state lines. This permit is usually obtained from the funeral director and is signed by the medical examiner.  EmbalmingSome states require embalming before crossing state lines, while others require it if the body is transported by plane or train. Religious guidelines may supersede these laws.  Shipping containerThe body must be placed in a sealed shipping container to prevent the seepage of fluids and odors.  Transportation methodThe distance to be traveled and who is providing the transportation will determine whether the journey is carried out by road only or also by air.  DocumentationAdditional documentation may be required for air transportation.  PlanningCareful planning is required, including ensuring the vehicle is adequately equipped and you're prepared for potential issues. 13:46:47 From Carla Johnson : My father died in another state, and we didn’t even know where his body was for 48 hrs.but since he had chosen cremation, our mom was not at all upset that she couldn’t say goodbye to the corpse. 13:47:59 From LUMiN (she/her) : Reacted to "There are several ru..." with 🙏 13:48:09 From Carla Johnson : His ashes were delivered via fedex back to Colorado. 13:50:58 From Dhara Rose : Who pays the cost of organ donation? 13:51:36 From Brenda Freeman : Your local home funeral director would be a primary resource 13:54:30 From Brenda Freeman : They work for funeral home and privaterly 13:54:51 From Satya Reyes : My death doula teacher has one in LA. Sacred Crossings 13:56:13 From MaryMarty, She/They Portland OR : At Death Café meetings, I found two people eager to get into assisting with green burials. 14:09:16 From Sera Deva, Triple Creeks Consulting : Thanks y’all! 14:09:24 From Sera Deva, Triple Creeks Consulting : I need to hop off and eat some lunch. Sending love! 14:10:03 From MaryMarty, She/They Portland OR : Bye Sera 14:12:13 From Satya Reyes : Same 14:16:23 From Satya Reyes : Yes!! 14:16:42 From Carla Johnson : Reacted to "Yes!!" with 💕 14:17:08 From Satya Reyes : Gahhhh 14:17:11 From Satya Reyes : Reacted to "Yes!!" with 💕 14:17:12 From Satya Reyes : Removed a 💕 reaction from "Yes!!" 14:17:23 From Madison : Reacted to "Gahhhh" with ❓ 14:17:59 From Satya Reyes : Bye all