12:00:48 From Satya Reyes : Morning 12:11:43 From Satya Reyes : I will 12:15:17 From Madison : the usual settings of zoom often cut music out because it treats it as background noise 12:16:12 From Triple Creeks Consulting : It 12:16:20 From Triple Creeks Consulting : It’s still cutting out the harmonium 🙁 12:16:25 From Madison : If you go into settings and change the audio profile we will be able to hear better 12:16:53 From Madison : settings>audio> audio profile> original sound for musicians 12:16:56 From Damon Sean : without a studio mic it may not be able to use the harmonium w voice 12:17:10 From Madison : Of live performance audio 12:17:21 From Lee Warren : Madison is it her settings? 12:17:42 From Lee Warren : or mine? 12:17:43 From Madison : yes the automatic settings surprise “background noise” 12:17:55 From Damon Sean : her settings... I can guide her 12:19:11 From LUMiN (she/her) : youre a great mime singer! 12:29:30 From MaryMarty, She/They Portland OR : How beautiful! 12:37:21 From Triple Creeks Consulting : My midwife here in Peru is telling me I need to have a death ritual for an abortion I had like ten years ago before I give birth!!! And no fetal remains needed. It’s just an emotional thing. 12:38:03 From Triple Creeks Consulting : She says not processing this death can prevent us in birth. Apparently a very well understood thing in Andean midwifery. 12:45:53 From Satya Reyes : Learning the heart has to be beating has made me clear to no longer donate 12:46:46 From Triple Creeks Consulting : Oh that’s interesting @Satya Reyes thank you. 12:47:26 From Satya Reyes : To donate any organs 12:47:31 From Satya Reyes : Except skin 12:48:34 From MaryMarty, She/They Portland OR : Just Like That - song by Bonnie Raitt is worth listening t0 12:49:14 From Triple Creeks Consulting : And I honor that mama. <3 12:49:25 From Satya Reyes : Reacted to "And I honor that mam…" with 😍 12:58:48 From MaryMarty, She/They Portland OR : Thank you, Linda. I love the idea of a grown grandchild carrying and setting down a dear Grandmother! 12:58:54 From Jeanne Verger : I just went online and took myself off the donor registry and next month I’ll update my licenses. 13:02:49 From Dhara Rose : Liina’s share about Japanese death practices reminds me of that great story Ram Dass tells about the farmer building a ‘box’ while his elderly father sits on the porch, watching. The son asks the father to get into the box and then he starts to carry the box up the hill towards the cliff. Just as the son was about the drop the box with his old dad in it over the cliff, he hears a knock from inside the box. He opens the box and the old dad says, “I understand what you’re doing, son, but you might want to save the box. Your children will need it.” 13:03:35 From MaryMarty, She/They Portland OR : Reacted to "Liina’s share about ..." with 😯 13:03:51 From MaryMarty, She/They Portland OR : Reacted to "I just went online a..." with 👍 13:06:00 From Dhara Rose : I sold Pre-need burials and funeral services. To the comment, “I will let my children make these decisions”, we were trained to answer, “Did you ask you children if you should marry your mom and have you? Don’t leave this major life decision up to your children, on the worst day of their lives.” 13:08:24 From Triple Creeks Consulting : Reacted to "I sold Pre-need buri..." with ❤️ 13:28:14 From Triple Creeks Consulting : Meredith, are you personally refusing organ donation or autopsy? If you’re comfortable sharing. 13:30:33 From MaryMarty, She/They Portland OR : This is pretty intense for me!!! 13:45:28 From Satya Reyes : Sorry my call keeps dropping 13:49:41 From Darlene Franklin : I've seen descriptions of the bones that remain after alkaline hydrolysis can be very fragile to the touch 13:50:33 From Darlene Franklin : Thank you so much Meredith! 13:58:34 From carl : Lee, did you get my email with the possible class material? 13:59:22 From MaryMarty, She/They Portland OR : break out 14:00:19 From Darlene Franklin : Replying to "Wondering what happe..." @Ann Marie this reminds me of seeing what looked like different colored stones and relics in glass casing displays at a friend's Buddhist temple (she is a nun): of Sariras (remains from cremations) 14:00:52 From heather (she/her) : I need to hop off early, so I unfortunately cant join break out. 14:00:57 From heather (she/her) : Thank you Lee and everyone! 14:01:11 From Triple Creeks Consulting : Neither can I! Need to eat lunch before another meeting. <3 14:01:15 From carl : also burial rituals from Scotland, my heritage 14:13:19 From Ana Luyao to Lee Warren(direct message) : hi Lee, your voice is breaking up 14:17:59 From Dhara Rose : When my sister died this year, she had incredibly specific instructions for her burial/funeral. What she wanted turned out to be a big burden for my elderly parents. 14:18:25 From Darlene Franklin : Thank you all 14:18:27 From Darlene Franklin : Thank you Lee 14:18:28 From Darlene Franklin : !