12:18:19 From Satya : There is something new happening and it would be supportive to be able to share in some way…. I can just do so here if neccessary 12:19:41 From Darlene Franklin : 💓 Marilyn 12:21:46 From James Bethune : James and Hannah are together so please factor that into the breakout rooms! 12:23:03 From Ana Luyao : Reacted to "James and Hannah are..." with 👍 12:24:40 From Allan, he/him, on Amtrak : I may need to leave early or sign off for a bit and return, when my train reaches its destination - several hours late. 12:24:48 From Darlene Franklin : Thank you so much for this topic, Lee 13:04:14 From Dhara Rose : I was a bit surprised on how much anger I felt when I was expressing my grief 13:05:16 From Satya : It was gorgeous! 13:08:35 From Darlene Franklin : 💓 Brenda 13:12:04 From Dhara Rose : The higher the praise, the deeper the peace 13:12:11 From Dhara Rose : deeper the grief 13:12:30 From Carla Johnson : Reacted to "deeper the grief" with ❤️ 13:12:47 From Carla Johnson : Reacted to "I was a bit surprise…" with 😊 13:20:49 From Darlene Franklin : By keeping to myself in my grief, i find I've been experiencing it through incomplete 'less whole' interaction attempts in my sleep dreams. 13:21:50 From Darlene Franklin : Reacted to deeper the grief with "❤️" 13:24:09 From Ana Luyao to Lee Warren(direct message) : it's all ready Lee just let me know 13:26:25 From Damon Sean : pinch hitter 14:00:05 From Carla Johnson : Allen, send a chat to us. 14:02:09 From Darlene Franklin : Reacted to Allen, send a chat t... with "👍" 14:07:31 From Allan, he/him, on Amtrak : Thank you, and I must leave now. 14:07:47 From Darlene Franklin : Bye for now, Allan 14:10:34 From Darlene Franklin : Thank you, spot on, Lee. Feeling this 14:16:15 From Satya Reyes : The hardest part is seeing the horror of her face/body 14:16:39 From Darlene Franklin : Reacted to The hardest part is ... with "🌱" 14:16:43 From Carla Johnson : Reacted to "The hardest part is …" with ❤️ 14:16:53 From Darlene Franklin : Removed a 🌱 reaction from "The hardest part is ..." 14:16:55 From Darlene Franklin : Reacted to The hardest part is ... with "❤️" 14:16:58 From Caroline Douglas : I would like to share a book that has crossed my path that I am currently reading and finding very helpful: The Ultimate Journey: Consciousness and the Mystery of Death by Stanislav Grof. The book connects cultures, ritual, neuroscience, the dying experience and how psychedelics can facilitate understanding of it all. 14:17:08 From James Bethune : Amazing! Thank you Lee 14:17:13 From Darlene Franklin : Thank you all 🧡