12:21:21 From Beckyh : I am traveling and can just listen. 12:22:02 From Beckyh : I am in the middle of cleaning up a horribly messy estate. Meeting with the lawyers to dump the leg work on them. 12:23:36 From Beckyh : Question for the guest: real estate, 1 child/beneficiary. Which is best - tod or both names on deed? (Tod=Transfer on death) 12:27:35 From LUMiN (she/her) : I feel taxed by STUFF… and I am cultivating a love affair with money. I can’t imagine what feelings will come up when I need to sort thru my loved one’s belongings and money. 12:45:59 From Satya : Reacted to "I feel taxed by STUF..." with ❤️ 12:55:43 From Satya : grateful my kids are grown ish 12:58:45 From MaryMarty, She/They Portland OR : My daughter in law freaks out when I bring that up. She can't go there! 12:59:49 From Lee Warren to Ana Luyao(direct message) : can you set up breakout rooms. 2 people per room. 13:01:14 From Ana Luyao to Lee Warren(direct message) : Replying to "can you set up break..." okay, got it Lee. let me know for long later :) 13:07:29 From LUMiN (she/her) : If an an aging person (over 70yo) has their spouse (who is also their same age) listed as their medical and financial POA, could that be problematic as their facilities are both declining…? 13:09:03 From Carla Johnson : Replying to "If an an aging perso…" It’s ALWAYS problematic. 13:09:26 From LUMiN (she/her) : What is diff of durable & irrevocable POA? 13:09:46 From LUMiN (she/her) : Reacted to "It’s ALWAYS problema..." with 😂 13:10:38 From carl : How does one terminate a POA? 13:13:26 From LUMiN (she/her) : What is the estimated cost of hiring a professional to help organize and update the paperworks, etc for an Estate? 13:16:24 From LUMiN (she/her) : Is a Trust better/more simple to execute than a Will? 13:24:31 From LUMiN (she/her) : my parents are dual citizens of two different states, they own real estate in each state. Does it make a difference (law-wise) where they die in terms of how their trust/will is executed? 13:26:03 From LUMiN (she/her) : Their estate will be split between 3 of their children. We all live in different states. lol 13:26:53 From Carla Johnson : If I have a trust, do I also need a will? 13:28:01 From Baba J/ Barbara : Does my Revocable trust need to be created in the state I claim as my personal resident… do I need to rewrite in what I have as it was created in a different state 13:28:09 From Carla Johnson : I thought the terms of the trust would replace the ned for a will. 13:30:49 From Carla Johnson : Replying to "Does my Revocable tr…" We had a revocable trust when we lived in Louisiana. When we moved into another state, the trust became invalid, because LA operates under the Napoleonic Code. 13:31:18 From Sera Deva (she/her/hers, Triple Creeks Consulting) : I’ve worked with Scott to review my documents and he’s been great! 13:31:33 From Carla Johnson : Reacted to "I’ve worked with Sco…" with 👍 13:31:41 From Sera Deva (she/her/hers, Triple Creeks Consulting) : Much more flexible than 90% of lawyers. 13:31:52 From carl : so the Five wishes are only medical? 13:31:55 From heather (she/her) : Scott, do you work with clients who live in South Carolina? 13:40:23 From Ann Marie : Do you recomend gifting actual money amounts or percentages? Writing it into your Trust or leaving instructions for your Executor? 13:43:33 From carl : can I have two executors on my will? 13:46:57 From heather (she/her) : I work as a mental health therapist. I wonder if I need to have a Professional Will - which would assign a person who reaches out to my clients when I die to inform them of my death and provide referral options for other therapists for the clients' continuity of care. 13:50:49 From Satya : off to clients . Good day all 13:52:26 From heather (she/her) : Thank you SO much! 13:57:44 From LUMiN (she/her) : same! 13:58:02 From Madison : Same, I’d like to stay and here from many people 🙂 14:04:15 From Ana Luyao to Lee Warren(direct message) : will it be for 10 mins Lee? it's ready just need the time :) 14:04:50 From Dhara Rose : Hold on tightly; let go lightly 14:05:41 From Dhara Rose : feeling grateful makes what you have enough