12:00:59 From Ana Luyao to Lee Warren(direct message) : hi Lee, i have the breakout rooms ready now. turns out it's just a few clicks :) 12:21:07 From Lee Warren : https://open.spotify.com/playlist/705ZiHzlWJsgE5Pku9AYSN?si=a1858a381a06451d&pt=0f7607ea49dcc9474f64803c8a8107b7 12:38:35 From Satya : who’s that? Pre and postnatal? This is my BIG spot 12:39:19 From lynnie : Heyhi all y’all, pls do add these books to the chat here, thank u ! 12:39:55 From Madison : Yes please, many names, books and resources have been named and Im not sure if I caught them all! 12:40:14 From Heather Ridge (she/her) : Healing Trauma by Peter Levine: Healing Trauma: Levine, Peter A: 9781591796589: Amazon.com: Books 12:47:50 From Ana Luyao to Lee Warren(direct message) : yes, i was able to see them. i went to the bathroom real quick earlier and when i was about to admit them, you were able to admit them all already. so sorry Lee! won't happen again. 12:51:04 From Lee Warren : ○https://erowid.org/ https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Main_Page 12:51:19 From Ana Luyao : https://erowid.org/ 12:53:13 From LUMiN (she/her) : MAPS is another great resource as well <3 12:56:24 From LUMiN (she/her) : RAM DASS & Tim Leary gave amazing lectures on the spiritualism within the use on Psychedelics. Highly recommend. 12:58:03 From Heather Ridge (she/her) : Psychedelic.Support: Psychedelic Therapy & Training - Online Education Courses · Psychedelic Support 12:59:04 From Dale : I enjoyed this podcast that describes Richard Feynman’s (famous physicist) exploration of psychedelics at Esalen at the end of his life: https://freakonomics.com/podcast/mr-feynman-takes-a-trip-but-doesnt-fall/ 13:02:21 From LUMiN (she/her) : A podcast I really love— “Presenting his life as a case study, Ram Dass offers insights into the human mind and altered states of consciousness to a gathering of the American Psychological Association” https://open.spotify.com/episode/0TqYEmiDxpQucDtPqdtcyG?si=c31d7543161f4943 13:07:32 From Satya : That feels so true brenda! Tears 13:12:33 From Satya : Same. I’m a big no with a minor curiosity 13:14:25 From Sera Deva, Triple Creeks Consulting (she/her/hers) : So many people come to psycaldelics to solve their problems. You must do your own work. The plants won’t do it for you. 13:14:49 From LUMiN (she/her) : Reacted to "So many people come ..." with ❤️ 13:15:09 From Ana Luyao : Reacted to "So many people come ..." with ❤️ 13:24:28 From Satya : That makes it more appealing to me 13:25:19 From Ana Luyao to Lee Warren(direct message) : hi Lee, im using mobile hotspot now so my internet is not 100% stable. for now it's stable and i will do my best to assist. if you can make me the cohost again please. thank youuu and sorry 13:26:54 From Heather Ridge (she/her) : www.drdevonchristie.com She wrote the book, Integrative Somatic Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy. She's a wealth of information and has done work with Dr. Gabor Mate. 13:28:35 From Heather Ridge (she/her) : MAOIs 13:28:47 From LUMiN (she/her) : SSRI’s or MAOI’s 13:28:51 From Mareah Steketee : MAO Inhibitors 13:37:46 From LUMiN (she/her) : https://dancesafe.org/product/mdma-testing-kit/ 13:42:00 From Carla Johnson : Alice Walker’s novel Now is the time to open your heart has an in-depth description of a guided psychedelic journey with a shaman in South America. 13:42:15 From LUMiN (she/her) : My rule of thumb for MDMA is not more than once per quarter. 13:42:15 From Lise Ellsworth to Lee Warren(direct message) : I’m sorry to leave early. Getting SO VERY MUCH from ALL the content and homework… also a tad overwhelmed but writing a lot about it…🤯. Thank you 🙏 for all the resources and your beautiful guidance. Looking forward to seeing you again in person and hugging you! 13:42:35 From Brenda Freeman : Integration is meaning making 13:42:56 From Sera Deva, Triple Creeks Consulting (she/her/hers) : I happened to just come across this! 13:43:01 From Brenda Freeman : And application to your day to day life 13:43:04 From Satya : I see so little integration and so much use… 13:51:05 From Brenda Freeman : QTests.org Know your dose Psilocybin QTest 13:55:11 From Lee Warren : 828.772.5846 13:55:58 From Heather Ridge (she/her) : microdose.me is a cool resource 13:58:56 From Sera Deva, Triple Creeks Consulting (she/her/hers) : Where’s damon sean??? 14:01:39 From Satya : and doing them over and over and over 14:02:52 From Satya : Im a psyco NOT 14:03:04 From Madison : Reacted to "Im a psyco NOT" with 😂 14:03:30 From LUMiN (she/her) : Reacted to "Im a psyco NOT" with 😂 14:06:02 From Sera Deva, Triple Creeks Consulting (she/her/hers) : If anyone is curious about Peruvian plants I’m happy to answer. 14:06:06 From Sera Deva, Triple Creeks Consulting (she/her/hers) : 828.208.0220 14:06:14 From Sera Deva, Triple Creeks Consulting (she/her/hers) : You can also message me on signal. 14:06:23 From Brenda Freeman : I can also be a resource on Signal. 412-952-4331 14:06:54 From Satya : What’s the deal with signal? 14:06:57 From LUMiN (she/her) : Please feel welcome to reach in my direction for questions, guidance, and support around Medicinal Psychedelic practice. LUMiN 828-753-9981 14:07:44 From LUMiN (she/her) : Oops different number! I edited it 🙂 14:08:20 From Brenda Freeman : I am certified through the Integrative Psychiatric Institute as a Psychedelic Assisted Therapy preparation/harm reduction and integration specialist 14:09:40 From Sera Deva, Triple Creeks Consulting (she/her/hers) : I just live in Peru and am around it all the time! 14:13:48 From LUMiN (she/her) : THANK YOUUU Beautiful clas 14:14:09 From Carla Johnson : Reacted to "27727B47-406B-41F0-AA99-D2B4A39B89EB_1_105_c.jpeg" with 💕 14:14:17 From Satya : Wish I could be there Lee… your class 14:14:26 From LUMiN (she/her) : AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR BEAUTIFUL HANNA! 14:15:52 From Satya : Signing off loves!!! 14:19:04 From Sera Deva, Triple Creeks Consulting (she/her/hers) : We’re going to eat lunch! Thanks everyone! 14:20:18 From Heather Ridge (she/her) : Until next time everyone! Thank you!