12:02:07 From Ana Luyao to Lee Warren(direct message): hi Lee, so sorry for some reasons, fathom is not working on my end. im still trying to figure it out now 12:10:46 From Ana Luyao to Damon Sean(direct message): Thank you so much, Damon Sean!! For some reasons, im getting error with Fathom. but earlier it was fine. im still trying to figure it out now. 12:11:18 From Damon Sean to Ana Luyao(direct message): yes fathom is having issues... im having troauble too 12:12:54 From Satya Reyes to Everyone: Sweet 12:12:56 From Darlene Franklin to Everyone: that's beautiful 12:16:19 From Darlene Franklin to Ana Luyao(direct message): Hi Ana, I would like to participate in the 1:1, but don't feel I'm able to be verbally gifted right now, and I think I should just think on this 1:1 topic as a solo meditation. 12:18:02 From Satya Reyes to Everyone: 😭😭😭 12:19:42 From Ana Luyao to Darlene Franklin(direct message): Got it, Darlene. do you want me to put you in a room alone or you will be staying in the main room? 12:20:36 From Darlene Franklin to Ana Luyao(direct message): Ooh thank you hrm, maybe then I will do my own room, to try it that way. Thank you 12:21:56 From Ana Luyao to Darlene Franklin(direct message): Reacted to "Ooh thank you hrm, m..." with ❤️ 12:23:22 From Hannah Borababy to Everyone: James and I are together, so we’ll be in our own “breakout room” together 12:51:09 From Satya Reyes to Everyone: Amazing 12:52:13 From Becky Lubold (she/her) to Everyone: Really a wonderful experience of thinking, though I do feel like I tend to let my brain take over being in my body. 12:57:46 From Carla Johnson to Everyone: Replying to "Really a wonderful e…" Yes, for me, too. Also, my Scandinavian heritage taught that expressing emotions (which they believe is in the realm of the body) will lead to embarrassment and down the path of self-destruction. 13:02:48 From Satya Reyes to Everyone: 🙏🙏 13:04:49 From Dhara Rose to Everyone: There’s a valitation 13:05:41 From Darlene Franklin to Everyone: Yes 💓 13:06:05 From Sera Deva, Triple Creeks Consulting (she/her/hers) to Everyone: Yeah that also came up… Where I was like “Man I hope I can shut down my mind or my mind will be automatically shut down so I can just let go." 13:08:22 From Becky Lubold (she/her) to Everyone: Reacted to "Yeah that also came ..." with 👍 13:12:50 From Ana Luyao to Lee Warren(direct message): hi Lee, will it be the same pair earlier? and just exchange roles? or randomly paired again? 13:17:07 From Darlene Franklin to Ana Luyao(direct message): Hi Ana, I feel that I'm sitting in my feelings, and though I would like to participate, I think that I might need to stay 13:17:12 From Darlene Franklin to Ana Luyao(direct message): solo 13:18:30 From Ana Luyao to Darlene Franklin(direct message): Replying to "Hi Ana, I feel that ..." no problem. i put you in a different room alone or you can also stay here in the main room. whichever you like :) 13:20:25 From Darlene Franklin to Ana Luyao(direct message): Reacted to "no problem. i put ..." with 💓 13:32:12 From Lise Ellsworth to Everyone: I think I realized that we have the answer but just need to keep asking the question. 13:36:12 From beckyh in VA to Everyone: i akways identified with the wicked witch more than glenda. 13:37:18 From beckyh in VA to Everyone: Replying to "I think I realized..." keep asking why. keep digging until you get to the foundation. 13:37:59 From Becky Laskody to Everyone: Replying to "I think I realized t..." Thank you for the encouragement 13:38:42 From Sera Deva, Triple Creeks Consulting (she/her/hers) to Everyone: surrender 13:38:54 From carl to Everyone: release 13:38:59 From Heather Ridge (she/her) to Everyone: Wisdom 13:39:05 From Mareah Steketee to Everyone: equanimity 13:39:16 From Becky Laskody to Everyone: Patience 13:39:21 From Sera Deva, Triple Creeks Consulting (she/her/hers) to Everyone: Completion’ or ‘presence to accept there is no completion’ 13:39:32 From Becky Lubold (she/her) to Everyone: courage 13:39:50 From Lise Ellsworth to Everyone: Curiosity 13:40:19 From Linda to Everyone: being in the preset moment 13:41:49 From Carla Johnson to Everyone: Replying to "being in the preset …" What does “preset moment” mean to you? I’ve never heard that phrase. Is it like predestination? 13:42:12 From Linda to Everyone: present moment 13:42:40 From Carla Johnson to Everyone: Reacted to "present moment" with 👍 13:42:48 From beckyh in VA to Everyone: a stoic mantra is "the obstacle is the path" 13:44:47 From Carla Johnson to Everyone: Are hallucinations a sign of near death? 13:51:28 From Satya Reyes to Everyone: I need a buddy!! 13:51:35 From Satya Reyes to Everyone: Y 13:54:34 From Darlene Franklin to Ana Luyao(direct message): 😄 👏 Dhara 13:54:59 From Darlene Franklin to Everyone: 😄 👏 Dhara 13:56:14 From Sera Deva, Triple Creeks Consulting (she/her/hers) to Everyone: The podcast was great! 13:56:36 From Satya Reyes to Everyone: Bye everyone 💫💜🙏 14:02:53 From lynnie to Everyone: There’s also a video to rent for $5 about a doctor’s dying days re vsed — www.dyingwishmedia.com/store. It is lovely. 14:08:12 From lynnie to Everyone: Even making a video re ur choice for VSED down the road !! 14:16:23 From Lise Ellsworth to Everyone: 🙏🫶🏼