23:52:26 From Lee Warren to Ana Luyao(direct message): · Doc format · Google Doc format 12:00:50 From Satya Reyes to Everyone: Hello everyone! I’ll be here for most of the meeting and likely quiet as I handle some things. I’m here 💜🙏💫 12:01:22 From Damon Sean to Everyone: Reacted to "Hello everyone! I’ll..." with 👍🏼 12:12:26 From Darlene Franklin to Everyone: 💓 Caroline 12:14:05 From LUMiN (she/her) to Everyone: "How strange it is to be anything at all” 12:14:17 From Satya Reyes to Everyone: I relate to that quote 12:14:30 From Darlene Franklin to Everyone: Reacted to ""How strange it is..." with ❤️ 12:14:36 From Satya Reyes to Everyone: Reacted to ""How strange it is t…" with ❤️ 12:14:47 From Satya Reyes to Everyone: Gahhhhhhhh- so good 12:14:55 From Darlene Franklin to Everyone: Reacted to "I relate to that q..." with 👍 12:15:02 From LUMiN (she/her) to Everyone: Replying to ""How strange it is t..." Alice in wonderland 12:15:57 From Darlene Franklin to Everyone: Could we? 12:15:59 From Darlene Franklin to Everyone: :] 12:16:23 From LUMiN (she/her) to Everyone: Reacted to "Could we?" with ❤️ 12:27:36 From Damon Sean to Everyone: Hannah is not hjere 12:28:45 From Mareah Steketee to Everyone: I found the Go Wish game to be very helpful in discussing with close others what my wishes are... 12:29:43 From Ana Luyao to Everyone: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/8582180-in-an-unspoken-voice 12:30:00 From Ana Luyao to Everyone: In an Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness 12:32:37 From Ana Luyao to Everyone: End of Life Planning Checklist - https://queenofdeath.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Addendum-to-My-Five-Wishes-Updated-Jan-2024.docx 12:47:30 From Ana Luyao to Everyone: Is this how you want to die video - https://youtu.be/_olsxn0vPGg?si=xo2Jl3X0qgonsdri 12:49:00 From Satya Reyes to Everyone: Don’t they do that automatically at, for instance, an accident site? 12:50:08 From Darlene Franklin to Everyone: Thank you for sharing that content, Lee 12:50:33 From Darlene Franklin to Everyone: And for referencing the Radiolab episode to check out 12:51:08 From Becky Lubold (she/her) to Everyone: could you share the name or date of the RadioLab feature? 12:52:04 From Darlene Franklin to Everyone: I've found it here: 12:52:05 From Darlene Franklin to Everyone: https://radiolab.org/podcast/262588-bitter-end?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsJO4BhDoARIsADDv4vBdV7-Wloejht4GoM8Ha869AZGT5thby_xS1rHj9_VAeqLIXPdzXwkaAoAFEALw_wcB 12:53:59 From Becky Lubold (she/her) to Everyone: Reacted to "https://radiolab.org..." with 👍 12:57:14 From Sera Deva, Triple Creeks Consulting (she/her/hers) to Everyone: The 5 wishes replaces the advanced directive doesn’t it? 12:57:51 From beckyh in VA to Everyone: should the 4 wishes and other docs be notarized 12:58:11 From beckyh in VA to Everyone: Replying to "should the 4 wishe..." 5 wishes 13:15:24 From Satya Reyes to Everyone: Emotional 13:15:38 From MaryMarty, She/They Portland OR to Everyone: very helpful to share now 13:16:29 From carl to Everyone: Geoff had a very impactful share..so important to have the 5 wishes completed 13:18:29 From beckyh in VA to Everyone: is everyones cameras off? 13:18:48 From Madison to Everyone: Replying to "is everyones cameras..." No 13:18:59 From Madison to Everyone: Replying to "is everyones cameras..." most are on 🙂 13:21:02 From Ana Luyao to Everyone: Norman Doidge’s The Brain’s Way of Healing - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22522293-the-brain-s-way-of-healing 13:21:23 From beckyh in VA to Everyone: Replying to "is everyones camer..." thanks. my video is hosed. i will refresh the next brreak 13:22:26 From Ana Luyao to Everyone: Stephen Jenkinson’s book Die Wise or film Griefwalker - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22716546-die-wise 13:24:32 From beckyh in VA to Everyone: if dealing with sensory issues ar end of life - look at resources for parents of autistic children. picky eaters, constipation. 13:25:06 From Satya Reyes to Everyone: Birth and death realm so profit forward 13:26:05 From Ana Luyao to Everyone: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RyhSx3-eMq10Xgybh4VYppxIN9EOjomyb3UH1Q3CbPY/edit 13:27:52 From Satya Reyes to Everyone: Omg. Thank you Lee!!! 13:28:09 From Heather Ridge (she/her) to Everyone: Thank you so much, truly! 13:29:40 From Darlene Franklin to Everyone: Reacted to "if dealing with se..." with 👍 13:30:04 From Darlene Franklin to Everyone: if dealing with sensory issues ar end of life - look at resources for parents of autistic children. picky eaters, constipation. Thanks for this idea 13:31:10 From Marilyn to Everyone: I don’t think The Word doc format contains the same information as the Google doc. At least what I just downloaded. Thanks, Lee for sharing 13:32:36 From Darlene Franklin to Everyone: Reacted to "Omg. Thank you Lee..." with 👍 13:32:39 From Darlene Franklin to Everyone: Reacted to "https://docs.googl..." with ❤️ 13:33:59 From Ana Luyao to Lee Warren(direct message): hi Lee, this is the link we have on the resources page for the addendum doc format https://queenofdeath.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Addendum-to-My-Five-Wishes-Updated-Jan-2024.docx 13:34:28 From Sera Deva, Triple Creeks Consulting (she/her/hers) to Everyone: I started a secure note with passwords and codes etc. in my phone and shared it with my death care people. I don’t trust google with that consolidated information. 13:36:22 From Darlene Franklin to Everyone: Thanks for touching on this topic this week too 13:40:44 From LUMiN (she/her) to Everyone: Lets do it! 13:45:11 From Lee Warren to Everyone: Check out Lee’s Addendum here: Doc format Google Doc format 13:45:23 From Sera Deva, Triple Creeks Consulting (she/her/hers) to Everyone: That makes me so mad. 13:45:41 From Darlene Franklin to Everyone: Thank you for sharing, Geoff 13:46:25 From Jeanne Verger to Everyone: Will you put all the links shared today in the chat on the resources page? I’m on my cell phone so I can’t download or save 13:46:48 From Satya Reyes to Everyone: Yes! Let’s call it what it is 13:47:18 From Dhara Rose to Everyone: In Oregon, it’s referred to Death with Dignity 13:48:55 From Darlene Franklin to Everyone: Reacted to "Will you put all t..." with 👍 13:48:58 From Ana Luyao to Jeanne Verger(direct message): Hi Jeanne, all links will be added in the resources page under "This Week's Resources". Recordings, chat, and slides will be added under This Week's Content. 😊 13:49:26 From Jeanne Verger to Ana Luyao(direct message): Reacted to "Hi Jeanne, all links…" with ❤️ 13:50:38 From Sera Deva, Triple Creeks Consulting (she/her/hers) to Everyone: Our family went through it recently with a family member and it was a huge relief for a lot of us, including the dying person. 13:51:13 From Satya Reyes to Everyone: My 2nd death doula client chose Maid. It was quite the initiation into my death doula world 13:51:19 From Lee Warren to Everyone: ●Voluntary Stopping of Eating and Drinking ○From Compassion & Choices ○From Nursing World ○Palliative Podcast from Stanford 13:52:31 From Heather Ridge (she/her) to Everyone: It looks like the first and third links are 'page not found' 13:52:34 From Lee Warren to Everyone: ●Final Exit Network ●Death with Dignity ●Compassion & Choices (formerly Hemlock Society) ○News Article on Helium Kits ○Book, The Final Exit ○Patients Rights Council ○Assisted Dying Blog of Derek Humphry Dignified Death Option 13:55:55 From beckyh in VA to Everyone: we had a lot of anger because my brother was terminal. in a lot of pain. all he could get was mind numbing morphine. there was no hope but hospice could not give more than needed for breakthrough pain. 13:57:37 From Dhara Rose to Everyone: When our family member was choosing the Death with Dignity method, I was part of a Christian prayer group and asked my friends to pray for her. They were very challenged to want to support me with hearth-felt prayers and yet they had such a stigma associated with assisted suicide based on their Christian faith, that I needed to drop out of the group to not feel the judgement coming from the group. 13:58:12 From Dhara Rose to Everyone: And maybe that’s my projection. 14:00:00 From Satya Reyes to Everyone: Thank you all - I have to bounce 14:00:13 From Sera Deva, Triple Creeks Consulting (she/her/hers) to Everyone: And for our family is was so relieving… 14:01:48 From Satya Reyes to Everyone: And some people choose it and don’t share with family 14:06:19 From Darlene Franklin to Everyone: Thank you for sharing, Satya 14:06:51 From Dhara Rose to Everyone: The stats that were shared with our family at the time my sister was going through her process to get the Death with Dignity drugs was that 3% of those qualify for the drugs apply for the drugs and of those folks only 3% actually take the drugs. But as Marilyn shared, the option does bring some peace. 14:08:52 From Dhara Rose to Everyone: whoa girl, Senior Citizen these days mean folks in their 80’s! the 60’s are the new 40’s 😆 14:13:52 From MaryMarty, She/They Portland OR to Everyone: Poem is the highlight of this day for me. 14:13:56 From Jeanne Verger to Everyone: I appreciate it 14:13:58 From Darlene Franklin to Everyone: It's helpful 14:14:16 From MaryMarty, She/They Portland OR to Everyone: I value your opinions, Lee, and all others. 14:14:51 From Carla Johnson to Everyone: Lee, I think it’s very appropriate to give your perspective on life-prolonging measures. You don’t judge anyone for their choices. 14:15:00 From beckyh in VA to Everyone: hearing others perspectives and experiences helps me think about things outside of my experience. 14:15:25 From Carla Johnson to Everyone: Reacted to "hearing others persp…" with ❤️ 14:16:37 From Darlene Franklin to Everyone: This feels like a rare (at least for me) chance to have these discussions in such a group that can hold this space 14:17:08 From LUMiN (she/her) to Everyone: Reacted to "This feels like a ra..." with ❤️ 14:17:28 From Darlene Franklin to Everyone: Reacted to "I value your opini..." with 👍 14:17:38 From Darlene Franklin to Everyone: Reacted to "hearing others per..." with ❤️ 14:19:31 From carl to Everyone: Reacted to "This feels like a ra..." with 👍 14:19:55 From Lee Warren to Everyone: https://www.caringbridge.org/site/1295c428-817c-3b8b-af02-d9b1094a1be4/post/f1c4e132-de7f-4275-9002-c5660fc5b2e3 14:23:30 From Darlene Franklin to Everyone: Thank you all!