11:51:36 From Lee Warren to Damon Sean- cohost(direct message) : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qG47KYRlX0hXGQMKWPATmiuekXe_b2VqzbaBqVdLv_s/edit?usp=sharing 12:47:20 From Hannah Borababy : What was the term Lee just used…”Practical ?” I loved it but wasn’t able to capture it 12:48:15 From beckyh in VA : hannah was it - practicalmystical biological / somatic esoterichuman 12:48:51 From Hannah Borababy : Reacted to "hannah was it - prac..." with ❤️ 12:52:28 From Hannah Borababy : Teehee 13:04:31 From Marilyn to Lee Warren(direct message) : Thanks for sharing these quotes, Lee. I hope you will provide us with a record of them, if possible. Thank you so much! 13:04:48 From Ana Luyao - Co-host to Lee Warren(direct message) : Reacted to "probably no time to ..." with 👍 13:12:51 From Lee Warren : https://queenofdeath.org/resources/ 13:12:52 From Ana Luyao - Co-host : https://queenofdeath.org/resources/ 13:16:36 From Lee Warren : NOKBOX – FALL15 13:19:40 From beckyh in VA : my understanding is the value of the nokbox is each section has a detailed checklist of things to include. 13:21:14 From Satya Reyes : I’ve been thinking of burning mine now 13:22:46 From Carla J : Replying to "I’ve been thinking o…" Yeah, I mistrust that some of my loved ones will honor my request to not read my missive. 13:25:29 From Satya Reyes : Replying to "I’ve been thinking o..." I meannnn… it would be tempting. 13:25:58 From Carla J : Replying to "I’ve been thinking o…" 😇 13:31:16 From Hannah Borababy : James and I are leaning towards wanting to be buddies 13:32:54 From Becky Laskody : Becky G is back now… 13:55:44 From Becky Laskody : Becky GL and Dave are happy to be long term buddies 13:58:48 From Satya Reyes : I love that Becky!!! 14:04:52 From Hannah Borababy : You can go to any UPS or Staples to print documents 14:12:46 From Hannah Borababy : “I know mortality isn’t small talk, but I wish it was.” 14:12:50 From Hannah Borababy : Love that so much 14:13:42 From Hannah Borababy : Yeah, it’s very velvety and rich 14:13:56 From Hannah Borababy : Vulture kin! 14:16:22 From Triple Creeks Consulting : Bye yall! 14:23:06 From Becky L, Rachel Carson EcoVillage : Leaving now, but thank you Lee, and everyone. See you next week!