11:58:14 From Lee Warren to Ana Luyao(direct message): https://subtle.energy/the-heart-is-not-a-pump-the-case-for-vortex-blood-flow/ 11:59:23 From Lee Warren to Ana Luyao(direct message): https://andreagibson.substack.com/p/benefits-of-befriending-our-mortality 12:00:55 From Karen to Everyone: Eating lunch for the first few minutes. Camera off 12:04:17 From Ana Luyao to Everyone: https://subtle.energy/the-heart-is-not-a-pump-the-case-for-vortex-blood-flow/ 12:11:08 From Ana Luyao to Everyone: https://andreagibson.substack.com/p/benefits-of-befriending-our-mortality 12:19:25 From Allan Sindelar to Everyone: I'm in a moving vehicle and will passively watch and listen, but not speak today in this noisy environment that I'm in. 12:24:40 From Damon Sean to Everyone: Reacted to "I'm in a moving vehi..." with 👍🏼 12:25:05 From LUMiN (she/her) to Everyone: Are these different docs or Just different names for the same doc? 12:35:44 From Hannah Borababy to Everyone: Lumin, we’re looking at the 5 wishes doc found on the preliminaries page 12:35:55 From Hannah Borababy to Everyone: https://queenofdeath.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Five-Wishes-Blank-Document-1.pdf 12:38:22 From LUMiN (she/her) to Everyone: Reacted to "Lumin, we’re looking..." with ❤️ 12:40:17 From Satya to Everyone: Is the booklet just Lee’s document you have here, printed? 12:45:42 From Damon Sean to Everyone: Replying to "Is the booklet just ..." did that answer your question Satya? 12:47:07 From Satya to Everyone: Replying to "Is the booklet just ..." Yes, I was already looking at their site but just wasn’t sure what people were reading from specifically…. 12:53:37 From Sera Deva to Everyone: I love this video on how to pick someone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=65&v=iTxv-20ULwQ&feature=emb_logo 12:54:11 From Damon Sean to Everyone: Reacted to "I love this video on..." with ❤️ 12:54:14 From Sera Deva to Everyone: Also this video on starting this conversation: https://theconversationproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/ConversationProject-ProxyKit-English.pdf 12:54:25 From Damon Sean to Everyone: Reacted to "Also this video on s..." with ❤️ 12:54:49 From Sera Deva to Everyone: Replying to "Also this video on s..." And this caveat: Note: It is especially critical for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people to know that if you do not create a Health Care Proxy naming your partner or a friend as your agent, the hospitals and courts will look to your closest biological family member to make health care decisions for you, and your partner or friend will have no legal right to make such decisions. Also note that a Health Care Proxy becomes ineffective at your death and it is, therefore, critical that you also have a will. 12:55:22 From Brenda Freeman to Everyone: At my bank you need to complete a beneficiary form while you are alive and if you are married it must be your spouse unless you submit a different person on the beneficiary form that is notarized with your spouse’s signature of consent. 12:57:01 From Sera Deva to Everyone: Reacted to "At my bank you need ..." with 😩 12:57:12 From Sera Deva to Everyone: Replying to "At my bank you need ..." This is such a normy culture gross thing yikes. 12:58:26 From Brenda Freeman to Everyone: That way the monies are available immediately, otherwise you need to produce a certified copy of a death certificate and proof you have the legal authority to access the account as a designated beneficiary, joint account holder or executor/administrator. 13:08:10 From Satya to Everyone: I’m going to switch to my phone so I’ll have to be let inagai 13:13:34 From Allan Sindelar to Ana Luyao(direct message): Ana, my audio on my iPhone is in room 6 and my video is in room 5. Can you put both in one or the other, lease? 13:15:29 From Ana Luyao to Allan Sindelar(direct message): hi Allan sorry for the late response. give me a sec 13:15:57 From Ana Luyao to Allan Sindelar(direct message): i moved it now. let me know 13:33:02 From beckyh in VA to Everyone: does the 5 wishes doc override HIPPA requirements? 13:39:02 From LUMiN (she/her) to Everyone: Can you share here the Karen Sanders site? 13:39:56 From Lee Warren to Everyone: https://rnpatientadvocacync.com/patient-advocacy/ 13:53:28 From Sera Deva to Everyone: So lovely to be with you all today. I need to hop off a bit early. Thanks for all of your thoughts and process! See you next week. 🙂 13:59:29 From LUMiN (she/her) to Everyone: Common Law Marriage? 13:59:32 From Denise to Everyone: I have to be back at work by 2 so need to hop off. Just wanted to say that I was not able to attend last week and so do not have a buddy, if anybody needs one! 14:03:13 From Satya Reyes to Everyone: Blessed week to you all!! 14:09:40 From Lee Warren to Everyone: https://hospicefoundation.org/Hospice-Care/Starting-the-Conversation 14:16:17 From Hannah Borababy to Everyone: Can you put that back up for one more minute so I can screenshot please?? 14:16:46 From Hannah Borababy to Everyone: Got it, thank you! 14:17:35 From MaryMarty, She/They Portland OR to Everyone: Good to be here! Thank you! 14:18:03 From Ana Luyao to Everyone: https://queenofdeath.org/resources/ 14:18:09 From LUMiN (she/her) to Everyone: Thank you for a brilliant class, Lee. Thank you for generous shares, group! See you next week! 14:18:54 From beckyh in VA to Everyone: https://queenofdeath.org/resources/ 14:19:10 From beckyh in VA to Everyone: Reacted to "https://queenofdea..." with ❤️