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Preliminaries for the 13-week End-of-Life Preparation Immersion Course

Steps to Complete Before
we Embark Together

I’m so thrilled we’ll be on this journey together. Below are THREE STEPS to get you started with this deep dive. 

Step 1: Watch

Intention Setting

Please watch this short video and set your intentions for the Immersion Course. This is a powerful way to begin!

If you prefer the transcript:

Setting Intentions for the 13-week End-of-Life Preparation Immersion Course with Lee Warren – YouTube

(00:02) hello and welcome to the end of life preparation immersion course and this little video is talking about intention setting intention setting is an orientation to what’s emerging to where we want to be in life it’s a Magic Carpet um from getting from here to there and there’s two parts to intention setting that I’d love to have you focus on for the upcoming course um one of them is the riverbank and one of them is the river and together they make a solid and whole ecosystem so the River Bank component to intention setting is please

(00:41) write down and really from a somatic sense if you can how you want to be changed what you want to be feeling at the end of the 13we course how do you want your life to be different what are the outcomes you’re looking for whatever framework works for you in terms of intentions but really I want to I want to invite you to have a felt sense of how your life will be different at the end of the 13 weeks that is a very um strong structure for the riverbank and then the river part of the intention setting is and sort of the

(01:22) opposite which is to let your creative mind flow free and whenever I’m starting a new project something I care deeply about I give give myself the opportunity to write 15 questions what are the 15 questions that you’re coming into this course with if you can only think of 10 or 12 that’s fine and if you can think of 30 or 50 that’s also fine every single question you have about end of life about your own Journey about what to expect I’d love for you to make a list of those questions now I’m not sure

(01:53) all of those questions will get answered but it’s the asking of the question that primes the pump primes our hearts and our minds to be in the process of inquiry which allows sort of the River of Life to flow and take us where it will so it’s these two components the Riverbanks and the river that make up a really solid um intention setting and you will be asked if you desire to share those with another person whether that’s going to be your buddy or a small group um so please come to uh week one

(02:29) prepared with both parts of your intention and I so look forward to hearing more about them

Step 2: Preparing

Print These Forms:

Set & Setting:

For the day of each workshop, set up a retreat-like space near your computer. Suggestions to bring to that space:

  • Your Journal
  • Flowers
  • Candle
  • Photo of a Beloved who has Passed
  • Your written Intentions

Bookmark Resources Page:

  • Have this on hand: Webpage of resources that we’ll be discussing is here. This is a private link, only for those attending the workshop so please don’t share this link publicly. We will be referring to this page during our time together. Please have this pulled up in a browser for use during the workshop. Extra credit if you want to peruse the resources. 


  • Our LIVE (virtual) class time together will be on TUESDAYS from 12pm (noon) to 2:15pm EASTERN Starting on Tuesday, September 17, 2024 and going until December 10 (with an optional Solstice celebration on December 17), 2024. 

    In addition, please put aside some ADDITIONAL time
    on your calendar for the entire course. Suggested is 3-5 hours per week. Homework will include:

    • Talking to your buddy
    • Reaching out to family and friends to discuss end of life considerations
    • Reading and researching
    • Contemplating and meditating on prompts

Ongoing Zoom Link:

We will be using the same zoom link each week. It is here.

Bookmark These Dates:

  • Week 1, 9/17/24, Death as Teacher, Death as Gift: Introduction, Intentions, Principles, Buddies, Invitations, Curiosity

  • Week 2, 9/24/24, Designing Your Sacred Decline: Health Care Agent, Patient Advocacy, Death Care Teams, How to Talk to Loved Ones.

  • Week 3, 10/1/24, Cultivating the Qualities that Make for a Good Death: Characteristics for Dying & How to Curate them!, Death contemplations & Death Humor, Courting the Mystical: Songs, Chants, Journaling, Poems

  • Week 4, 10/8/24, Honoring the Container with YOUR Values: Medical Interventions I Want and Don’t Want, Pain Management, Alternative Endings, Being at Choice

  • Week 5, 10/15/24, Embodied Living & Dying: Falling in Love with Existence, Tantra & the Practice of Surfing, Our Eternal Natures, Death Informed Practices.

  • Week 6, 10/22/24, A Roadmap for Self & Others: Important paperwork for crucial moments. Finalizing Wishes, Dementia Directives, MOST, DNR, Medical POA

  • Week 7, 10/29/24, Tuning into Your Soul’s Blueprint: Embodied Dying, Trauma Release, Psychedelics & The Practice of Dying

  • Week 8, 11/5/24, Returning the Vessel: After Death Choices re: Body & Spirit Care, Vigil & Funeral Options, Disposition of the Physical Body after Death

  • Week 9, 11/12/24, Caring for the Dead: Active Dying, The Moments Leading to Death, Traditions from our Past, Caring for our Own at Death.

  • Week 10, 11/19/24, The Blessed Giveaway: Financial Considerations, Caring for Pets, & Strategies for Stuff

  • Week 11, 11/26/24, Building a Death Literate Community: The Importance of Community, Working with Grief, Shock, & Fear, Resources.

  • Week 12, 12/3/24, Bucket Lists, Legacies, & Last Wishes: Prioritizing Life, Follow the Yumming, Internal & External Lists.

  • Week 13, 12/10/24, After Death Musings: What’s Next? 

  • Solstice, 12/17/24, Celebrating our Transformation: Optional. Graduation. Closure. Sharing.

Step 3: Watch

The 7 Principles

The 7 Principles that guide and contain our work together are an important framework. Please watch this video ahead of the start of the Immersion Course. 

If you prefer the transcript:

The 7 Principles for the 13-week End-of-Life Preparation Immersion Course with Lee Warren – YouTube

(00:02) hey there I’m Lee Warren I’m your instructor for the 13-week end of life preparation immersion course and I’m doing this video in advance so you can get a thorough sense of the principles that create the structure and container for our work together and all of these principles are synergestic and work harmoniously together even if they might be at times contradictory and these these principles are really what make up healthy systems right they can be applied to family systems in a couple relationship in a
(00:41) faith system in work relationships so I just invite you to really sort of take in and um maybe contemplate really and maybe immerse yourself in these principles so let’s start with a breath I’m so glad you’re along for this journey the first principle is that in our work together self-care is at at the utmost it is of of the utmost importance um you are at Choice how you want to show up for each class if you want to keep your video on or keep your video off um you’ll most likely get get more out of the workshop if you show up
(01:26) present and engaged and participatory but you really need to follow your own truth that means if you need to turn your screen off and eat or pee or rest or lie down um or rest and lie down while you’re on screen that’s all fine how you are showing up is a contribution to the whole this is a very important principle um notice your own regulation your own self-regulation in the process of being in this class and take care of yourself so principle one is self-care principle two is all parts of us are welcome the conversation about death
(02:05) brings up a myriad of feelings and experiences and everyone may be at a different juncture regarding their Journey with death some people might be actively dying others may have very little connection to death someone might be walking a loved one home or have just come through that experience so we are all along the Spectrum we might some of us might be grieving others not so we’re going to find a way to navigate all of this and welcome all of these parts it’s The Human Experience it’s part of what
(02:40) makes this course so bonding and connecting and given that all parts of us are welcome um in the interest of time we’ll do our best to bring in PE different people’s experiences but I will be keeping an eye first and foremost on the group container so we probably won’t be able to go into great depth with any one person’s experience but please know that these parts are important they’re important to bring up bring in and also integrate number three embodiment my orientation as a death educator and also as a tant educator is
(03:21) to find as much joy amazement and pleasure in the body as possible while we have them at the same time I also have a finely tuned awareness to trauma and how it resides in the body so this work is trauma informed and really the only way that we can safely sustainably re unwind trauma is to be in the body and I know that the concept of and the conversation around and probably experiences with death bring up a lot of material for people um so we’re all going to be students of embodiment we’re all going to be breathing together we’re
(04:06) all going to be looking at how to stay in our bodies feeling having a felt sense um experiencing what’s going on in real time and also as we integrate the material about death positivity so we’re learning together we don’t just become embodied by virtue of being born in fact once we’re were born many of the things that happen to us afterwards have us leave the body and dissociate from the body and so we’re going to be using this practice these weeks together to really remind ourselves to be here in this place in
(04:47) this container that is our existence so take a breath with me principle four is courting the mystery um I like to call myself a practical Mystic everything we’re going to be doing here in this end of life preparation immersion has a practical application for life and we’re very much in touch with what it means to die physically at the same time there’s more we don’t know than we do know about death about life about health about everything we’re we’re just immersed in the mystery as many uh Native teachings
(05:30) show us if it stops being a mystery it stops being true right really being at the edge of Truth is to be in the unknown so courting the mystery principle five is the group field we’re creating a field with our presence with our commitment with our intentions the group has a life of its own it’s bigger than me it’s bigger than you it’s bigger than each one of us and we can use it to our advantage I’ve spent decades studying and being immersed in the group field the group field is intelligent
(06:09) it’s really a presence and it can be used for our own regulation we can sort of regulate if we’re disregulated we can sort of come back into alignment by using the fields it has its own wave pattern and if you’re sensitive to this stuff and you want to start to notice it I love talking about it so we can we can talk some about it there’s support from The Unseen Realms when a group gathers with a specific intention um helpers start to show up so that’s another piece and there is great wisdom in the collective your
(06:44) experiences as part of the group are welcome and encouraged I am by no means an expert on death I’m not even a health care provider but I am very experienced in asking questions and getting intimate with the topic but I know when I show up to this 13we course I’m not alone that each of you will bring your knowledge your experience and your wisdom to fill in some of the gaps of the places that I don’t know things so the group field something to really rest in and rely on that’s that’s principle
(07:23) five principle six death positivity this is my orientation to end of Life Education and I’m hoping it’s going to become yours everything I do is framed in this way and we are rewiring our nervous systems from a culture that believes death is the enemy or death should be avoided or death shouldn’t be talked about and we’re changing that narrative and in order to change that narrative we’re going to be reminding ourselves and we’re going to be sort of that’s part of what we’re going to be asking
(07:55) from the group field is hey how do we look at this through the lens of death acceptance death literacy and death positivity so that’s principle six and principle seven is integration this might be the most crucial element of transformation uh I’ve been in the realm of adult education all of my adult life and what I have learned over that over those decades is that when learning something new adults need 10% information 90% integration when we learn Concepts as adults we need to sort of play with them sort of roll them around how do we think
(08:40) about that how do we feel about that how do we talk about that is that something I want to incorporate into my life right and much of that integration is going to go go on outside of class so the invitation is to pay attention to your dreams to contemplate which is sort of a stay halfway between meditation and concentration sort of like keeping something on the back burner um and then really sort of come to the next class with considerations and questions and conversations with any of these pieces you can go as deep as you want to go
(09:20) with these principles um if you want to work with me oneon-one we can slow down and unpack even more of these pieces and embodiment piece or death positivity piece um and we can see how they’re unfolding in your life and if you’re taking this class then you’ll have plenty of opportunity to really um be with others in this context so hope these principles are helpful to you I am going to review them also the first day of class but I wanted you to get a chance to sit with them ahead of time and I’m so looking forward to being with
(09:56) you

Thank you!

I’ll be sending along a short form the week before the Immersion Course begins to follow up on these tasks. Until then, feel free to sign up for my 7-day Mini-Course or take this quiz to assess yourself on the spectrum of death literacy. I look forward to our time together.